Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Kinesiology in Northampton, Northamptonshire
Michael Thompson FSHom Lic.Ac.MTCMCI has practiced homeopathy, acupuncture and allergy testing in Northampton for over 40 years. - With fourty years of experience ...
Hypnotherapy, Hypno-psychotherapy and Fertile Body Method in Oxford
I offer a holistic mind-body approach to health. Our minds and our bodies are in constant communication – each influences the other. By restoring mind-body balance you can resolve issues affecting your health and wellbeing. You can change unhelp...
Counselling, Weight Loss, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in Carterton
Stress, Anxiety, Phobia, Panic Attacks, Depression, Obsessions (OCD), Social Phobia, PTSD, Low Self-Esteem, Sexual Problems, Relationship Problems, Confidence, Hair Pulling, Fear of Needles, Abuse, High Blood Pressure, ME,