Ranked as one of the top clinic directory websites, NaturalTherapyForAll.com is a network that efficiently connects people, with various health problems, to professional, reliable clinics from all over the world. But NaturalTherapyForAll.com is more than a leading clinic directory, as we aim to build a network in which clinics respect clients' needs by providing superior service based on their experience, and for people with various health problems to find professional, reliable clinics. We also provide regularly-updated and high-quality health information on our website, so visitors can discover which disciplines are suitable for a specific condition and choose the right clinic from our extensive register of professional, reliable clinics.
We realise, from first-hand experience, the importance of matching professional clinics correctly with people that have various health problems and vice versa. At best, this has always been a difficult decision, and with this in mind, NaturalTherapyForAll.com was launched to make it easier for you to get in touch with each other, and help you make the correct decision.
After our service was launched in 2009, we have grown rapidly in both size and popularity, now receiving more than two-hundred thousand visitors monthly and connecting hundreds of people with local clinics every month.
We maintain the highest standards for membership, and to qualify as a NaturalTherapyForAll member, a clinic must meet all the requirements of our NaturalTherapyForAll policy. This ensures that all our registered clinics and practitioners are fully qualified and accredited.
For the visitor (or potential client) we provide as much information as you will need, including full clinic profiles, detailing the health concerns and problems with which each practitioner can help, the fees they charge, their training, work experience, achievements, and reviews received from other clients. This detailed profile provides potential clients with the information they might need to make an informed decision as to which clinic they should see. Having made that decision, our free booking system allows the client to schedule appointments with the clinic – online – 24/7.
If you have any queries, please contact us.
If you are a therapist and would like to join us, please complete our registration form.