About Amy Court
I specialise in helping adults and children to reach their highest potential.
Using Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching I can guide you from wherever you are right now to where you want and deserve to be. And I’m really excited about it.
Based in London, I work with all sort of needs from changing habits, negative behaviours and phobias to realising personal goals.
Some of the common issues I work with are:
STOPPING SMOKING: Did you know that statistically the success rate with Hypnosis far outstrips any other methods of stopping smoking? (New Scientist, 2012). I have vast experience of helping ‘habitual’ smokers and ‘addicted’ smokers stop.
ADDICTION: For whatever reason, many struggle with addictions such as alcohol. Addiction is far more common than you probably think! This is one on my most commonly worked with areas. I combine Hypnotherapy, NLP and Coaching to provide you the tools and support to break free once and for all.
ANXIETY: I treat all forms from social anxiety to panic attacks and phobia related anxiety. This is an issue close to my heart, as an ex-sufferer!
CONFIDENCE: An issue I truly love working with. I am very good at helping people realise their full potential. I’ve worked with many people who have successfully developed the confidence and self-esteem to reach BIG goals.
WEIGHT AND FITNESS GOALS: Weight and fitness changes start in the mind! I use a no-nonsense approach in helping you make realistic and lasting improvements that can transform the way you think and feel about diet, exercise and yourself. It’s YOUR body, make the most of it!
I aim to empower and inspire you to become the best version of yourself. I believe that each and every one of us already has the capabilities and resources within us to achieve whatever it is we want or need – and that once we understand how to access those capabilities and resources, we are enabled to realise our full potential. To alter how we use our minds is to alter our experience.
We live in a society that has become accustomed to placing greater importance and reliance upon external fixes – medications that only remove a symptom and self-help books that treat everyone as the same. I recognise that we are holistic individuals, each with our own unique skills and experiences and that self-betterment of a person comes through their own inner resources. The mind is an incredible and often underutilised tool that we can all learn to use to propel ourselves forwards.
I want to make my therapy and coaching accessible to everyone. As well as face-to-face hypnotherapy, NLP and life coaching in London, I offer talks and group sessions, advice and information through articles, and personally made hypnosis recordings.
See more about my therapy and coaching at www.amycourt.co.uk
My training, work experience and any achievement
My training (and personal experience) has equipped me with a wide range of tools and rather than taking a ‘one size fits all’ approach I recognise the individuality of everyone I work with and tailor my practice to what is relevant and useful to the individual.
My qualifications are as follows:
Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
Certificate in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
Certificate in Life Coaching
Certificate in Counselling Skills
Further Information
You can find full prices and discounts on my website: www.amycourt.co.uk
Age I Work With
- Children
- Teens
- Adults
- Elders
Other concerns & issues I deal with
Concerns & issues I deal with
Therapy Provides
- Hypnotherapy
- Life Coaching
Price List
- Hypnotherapy: £60/session
- NLP: £60/session
- Life Coaching: £50/session
Special Online Booking Offers
Hero’s Clinic: Half price on all services
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