About Acupuncture in Richmond
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are very gentle approaches to health that push the body into balance without causing any unwanted side effects. They are particularly useful for chronic or semi-chronic conditions, although acute and short-term ailments are also commonly treated.
Some of the conditions treated by acupuncture are arthritis, back ache, sciatica, frozen shoulder, menstrual and menopausal issues, infertility, IVF support, labour induction, digestive problems, stress, anxiety, migraines and headaches, fatigue, asthma, IBS, cosmetic facial acupuncture.
If your condition is not listed here please feel free to contact me to discuss it.
I speak Spanish and English.
My training, work experience and any achievement
- BA English Philology (Universidad de Valladolid, 1993)
- BScHons Acupuncture (University of Westminster, 2001)
- Pg Dip Chinese herbal medicine (University of Westminster, 2003)
- Certificate in Cosmetic Acupuncture (2008)
I have been working in private practice full time since 2002. I also work for Hoxton Health (Complementary therapies for the elderly) and Age Concern offering acupuncture.
Further Information
- First consultation and treatment is £40, follow-ups £30.
- Home visits in Richmond-Upon-Thames is £40.
- Facial acupuncture: £80 for first consultation and treatment, then £60 for follow-ups.
Age I Work With
- Children
- Teens
- Adults
- Elders
Other concerns & issues I deal with
Concerns & issues I deal with
- Cosmetic
- Fertility
- Back Pain
- Electrotherapy
- Repetitive Strain Injury Treatment
Therapy Provides
- Acupuncture
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Price List
- Acupuncture: £30.00/session
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): £20.00/session
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