About Sarah Rose Acupuncture
Acupuncture has an accumulative effect with each treatment gradually unfolding, peeling back and treating the layers underneath to reveal the core issues.
Treatments focus on addressing specific problems by treating a person as a whole to create equilibrium between their physical, emotional and psychological aspects.
Chinese Medicine doesn’t separate mind and body or seek to alleviate illness via a single mechanism like pharmaceutical drugs. In Chinese medicine we view illness in terms of the movement of qi, bodily substances and pathogenic factors. We look at the correlations between these signs and symptoms to enable us to link the key issues of the problem and provide you with a diagnosis and treatment.
Acupuncture has an accumulative effect. Treatment is gradual and unfolding, with each treatment peeling back and treating the layers underneath to reveal the core issues.
How many treatments someone will require varies depending on if symptoms are acute or chronic and on somebody’s general wellbeing, I will never treat for the sake of treating, it is very important that you feel comfortable with your practitioner and that the person you see is right for you. At the end of the day each person’s needs are individual and what they require from a practitioner varies from person to person.
Other concerns & issues I deal with
Concerns & issues I deal with
Therapy Provides
- Acupuncture
- Natural Fertility Therapy
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
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