Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Stockton on Tees
Sabine’s passion for acupuncture and Chinese Medicine came from her own experience. After experiencing health problems that conventional medicine treatments did not solve, she decided to turn towards acupuncture. This has changed the way she looked...
Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Shiatsu in Leeds
The Physis centre provides a calm, nurturing and professional environment which ensures you are supported appropriately through your chosen therapy process. We have a team of friendly and highly qualified therapists who offer a range of therapies ...
Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Leeds and Keighley, West Yorkshire
- My complementary therapy career began at Chapel Allerton Holistic Centre where I worked for ten years. - In 2012, I opened my own complementary therapy multidisciplinary clinic – Balance Natural Health, in Chapel Allerton, north Leeds. - My wor...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Womens Health in Northallerton
Sranya practices Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is especially interested in women’s health concerns, being a member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network. "I have always had a keen interest in acupuncture and the holistic approach to trea...