Acupuncture, Acupressure, Natural Fertility Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in South Shields, Tyne And Wear
- Addications (Smoking,drinking,drugs) - Arthritis of the Joints. - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Circulatory Disorders - Diabetes(Type 2) - Dizziness and Vertigo - Facial paralysis - Fibromyalgia - Hayfever and Sinusitis - High blood pressu...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Womens Health in Northallerton
Sranya practices Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is especially interested in women’s health concerns, being a member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network. "I have always had a keen interest in acupuncture and the holistic approach to trea...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupressure in Sunderland
Acupuncture Newcastle, Back Pain Newcastle, Insomnia Newcastle, Joint pain Newcastle, etc. Massage Newcastle, Relaxation Newcastle, etc.
we are Acupuncture&massage and we provide traditional Chinese medicines ,treatments and therapeutic massage services for anyone and everyone. We based in the very central of the Newcastle city centre, within only 1 minute walk from the monument metr...
Acupuncture, Reiki, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Newcastle Upon Tyne
Integrated Health Practitioners are able to use a range of different therapy protocols to enhance health and well-being. Although practitioners are usually specialists in a particular area they can also be knowledgeable about what system of health ca...