Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Natural Fertility Therapy in Greenway, Harlow, Essex
Acupuncture doesn’t just deal with physical symptoms. It looks at the whole body - physical mental emotional and spiritual. Treatments are like throwing a pebble into a lake - the ripples can be extremely far reaching. Patients will often notice...
Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Massage Therapy in Romford
- Help for all Stress related illness, tension, depression, pain relief, muscular problems of the back, neck shoulders, hips and legs. - Digestive and bowel disorders, IBS, Asthma, ear, nose, sinus problems. - Help with stop smoking, weight issues,...
Acupuncture, Womens Health, Weight Loss in London
Acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is a system of medicine that harnesses the body’s natural resources to heal itself. It’s an immensely powerful but subtle therapy that has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Acupunct...
Reiki, Pregnancy Massage, Deep Tissue Massage in Sawbridgeworth
Relaxation and Wellbeing provides luxury treatments for your total wellbeing. Using organic and naturally fragrant Neal’s Yard Remedies products to help you unwind, destress and relax. INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE a calming and balancing treatment...