Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Natural Fertility Therapy in Greenway, Harlow, Essex
Acupuncture doesn’t just deal with physical symptoms. It looks at the whole body - physical mental emotional and spiritual. Treatments are like throwing a pebble into a lake - the ripples can be extremely far reaching. Patients will often notice...
Hypnotherapy, EFT (MTT) Tapping, Natural Fertility Therapy in Hartford
Adele Richmond BA (Hons), DipCHyp HPD, MNLP is an experienced, full-time Cognitive Hypnotherapist & NLP Master Practitioner offering a caring, supportive service to help people make positive changes in their lives. Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a scienc...
Counselling, EFT (MTT) Tapping, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) in bluntisham
Alison Knowles, The Hypno Hut DipCHyp, NLP ( MPrac), CNCH (Acc), HPD I am a fully qualified and licensed Cognitive Hypnotherapist and NLP* practitioner, trained at the Quest Institute of Cognitive Hypnotherapy under the tutor-age of the esteemed ...
Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Cambridge
Chio Clinic provides Acupuncture and Massage services to residents in Cambridgeshire. We Specialize in pain management and cosmetic acupuncture. We treat many cases of neck, back, shoulder pain and wrinkle reduction treatments.
Counselling, EFT (MTT) Tapping, Natural Fertility Therapy in Luton
ME/MS, Arthritis, Infertility, Work/Life Balance, Stress, Asthma, Depression, PTSD, Back pain, Insomnia, Weight loss, Achieving Goals, Anger Management, Allergies, Phobias, Anxiety, Migraines, Childrens Behaviour plus ...