Counselling, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Osteopathy and Alexander Technique in Brampton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire
We are a group of natural therapists offering a holistic whole body service. The breadth of therapies we offer in the clinic mean we are able to meet most requirements. Rob Outram is a Registered Osteopath and member of the British ...
CounsellingCounselling, Acupuncture, Deep Tissue Massage in carlisle
CounsellingCounsellingCounselling, Acupuncture, Deep Tissue Massage in Carlisle
I am a friendly caring Person-centred counsellor with over twelve years of counselling practice experience, working with a wide variety of different people and issues. I provide a confidential, non-judgmental counselling service from a safe and we...
Counselling, PsychotherapyCounsellingCounsellingCounselling, Acupuncture, Deep Tissue Massage in Cumbria