Acupuncture in Penrith
AcupunctureAcupuncture in Kendal
Over the 20 years, we have successfully helped a variety of health conditions: Back Pain, Sciatica, Sports injuries, M.S, Migraines, Eczema, Psoriasis, Shingles, Impotence, Arthritis, Depression, Infertility, Fatigue and more, ....PLEASE CALL FOR MOR...
Counselling, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Osteopathy and Alexander Technique in Brampton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire
We are a group of natural therapists offering a holistic whole body service. The breadth of therapies we offer in the clinic mean we are able to meet most requirements. Rob Outram is a Registered Osteopath and member of the British ...
AcupunctureCounselling, Acupuncture, Deep Tissue Massage in Kendal
I opened my clinics in Kendal over a year a go and have been treating a variety of conditions and complaints - in fact seeing the wide variety that a GP might in a busy practice. As a complete healthcare system, you may be surprised what Chinese Med...