Acupuncture, Ear Candling, Herbal Medicine in Whitley bay
We have a wide range of services here which include... Back, Neck, Shoulder pains Migraines Arthritis Sciatica Depression and Anxiety Fatigue Insomnia Infertility Menopausal symptoms Asthma ME/MS Cosmetic Acupuncture Weight control Sm...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)Acupuncture, Ear Candling, Herbal Medicine in North Shields
I am a Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist and a fully registered member of The British Acupuncture Council. This means that I adhere to extremely strict Codes Of Practice. I became interested in Acupuncture after it helped me resolve my own health ...
Acupuncture, Reiki, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Newcastle Upon Tyne
Integrated Health Practitioners are able to use a range of different therapy protocols to enhance health and well-being. Although practitioners are usually specialists in a particular area they can also be knowledgeable about what system of health ca...