Top Signs You Have Become Mature

Sharon Moore November 21, 2016

Does age have anything to do with maturity? Of course it does. As we grow older, we experience many things. And those experiences help become more mature. But there are grownups who don’t seem to have matured enough. Check out these signs to see if you have become emotionally mature: 

You don’t argue to win.

Mature people argue. But they don’t argue simply to win and raise their point. They argue to gain clarity and understanding of the issue, understand the other person’s point of view, and arrive to a resolution. Immature people, on the other hand, argue just to win. They don’t care whether their arguments are logical or not, as long as they win. This results to a mediocre argument wherein two individuals just fight and bicker - endlessly.

You practise compassion.

Mature people think not only of themselves. They always think about others - what they can do to help them.  Mature people understand and practise compassion.  They make sacrifices. They find joy and happiness from reaching out to others. Immature people think solely of themselves. Everything they do, they just do it for their own pleasure. When someone hurts them, they rarely forgive.

You live in the ‘now’.

Mature people have the ability to stay in the present moment. They don’t get haunted by past hurts nor controlled by future worries. They enjoy just being in the ‘now’, doing their best in making it a wonderful experience. Through mindfulness, mature people are able to focus on everything they do, leading to great outcomes every time.

You don’t get discouraged by failure.

Immature people easily get swayed by failure. They see failure as a reflection of themselves - of their weaknesses and limitations. On the other hand, mature individuals are not easily discouraged by failure. It’s because they seem it as an avenue for learning - a door to more opportunities. They use those failures as a stepping stone towards success. They keep pushing and pushing until they reach their goal.

You know when to let go.

You know you’ve gone more mature when you are able to let go of things that no longer give meaning to your life. Whether it’s about relationship, work, or anything else - they let go when necessary. Taking control of your life is a great sign of maturity.

You are grateful.

Immature people always complain.  Mature people don’t. In fact, they are grateful. They appreciate everything in their life. They are thankful for the happy moments, and accept the not so good ones. They don’t measure happiness with material achievements, rather the positive experiences and learning they have accumulated throughout their life.

Based on these signs, can you say you are mature enough? 

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