Tips for Finding a Good Therapist

Rebecca Lewis November 02, 2016

World Mental Health Day is observed every 10th of October. It aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and mobilise efforts to promote mental health. But despite the growing awareness about mental health, many people still have little understanding of it. Furthermore, many of those who have mental health issues are either too scared or too shy to seek help.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a mental health problem, it is always advisable to seek professional help. A good therapist can provide an avenue towards recovery. Whether you are struggling with extreme anxiety, depression, addiction, mood disorder, and any other mental illness, there are professional therapists who can help you overcome it.

Finding a Good Therapist

Making a decision to seek help is hard enough. So you don’t want to add the burden of finding a good therapist, which is not an easy task either. You might be clueless of who or where to ask and what kind of therapist you need. Here are some tips to help you find the right therapist:

Seek referrals from people you trust. You may have family members, friends or relatives who have gone through therapy before. Seeking referral from them can be a smart idea. If you don’t have one, you may want to ask a recommendation from your GP. Being in the same field, there’s a good chance that your GP knows plenty of therapists who can help you with your mental health concern.

Search online. Many people, especially those who are too hesitant to ask their family members or friends for referrals, go online to find a therapist. Most practitioners are registered to online directories and organisations. So it wouldn’t be difficult to find someone within or near your area. When searching for a therapist online, make sure to do proper screening of their background, credentials (certifications and licenses), specialisation and experience. Look for therapists that are not selling themselves, rather telling you about their work and how they can help you.

Have an initial consultation with the therapist. Therapy is a two-way process. It is very much important that you are able to connect with your therapist and that you are comfortable working with him or her. How would you know this? Make an appointment for an initial consultation. Nearly all therapists provide in-person initial consultations. It is a very important meeting because you get to know your therapist, know how he or she will help you, and determine whether you are comfortable working together with that person. It may feel weird at first to be talking about personal things to a stranger. It’s normal. Don’t hesitate to ask questions as you converse with each other.

Talk to at least two or three therapists. Try to gather at least two or three names. That way, you can cross-reference, and have other choices if one doesn’t work out or just doesn’t suit you. Your therapist has a very big role to play in your healing and recovery. So it is crucial to find the right one for you.

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