Six Dietary Nutrients Needed for Your Cervix Health
Did you know that your food choices can actually help you against cervical cancer? Yes. What you eat matters. Apart from adopting a healthy lifestyle, exercising, getting enough rest and sleep, and exercising, eating well is core to keeping your cervix healthy. And when it comes to diet and nutrition, here are some important nutrients you should be taking in:
Flavonoids are chemical compounds that are found in fruits and vegetables. These powerful compounds are considered a primary source of protection from cancer cells. Foods that are rich in flavonoids are apples, asparagus, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cranberries, berries, soy and spinach.
A diet that is rich in folate helps lower the risk of cervical cancer. While scientists are not sure about how folate might affect cancer risk, it is possible that folate helps the body stop HPV infection from coming back repeatedly. This positive effect ultimately decreases the risk of developing cancer.
Some studies suggest that carotenoid, which is a great source of vitamin A, are also helpful in preventing cervical cancer risk. Foods that are high in carotenoids include red and orange-coloured fruits and vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and winter squash.
When it comes to preventing cancer, antioxidants are always given importance. They work by helping the body flush out toxins that cause DNA damage and proliferate cancerous cells. Antioxidants are mainly found in fresh produce like fruits and vegetables. Some of the most notable sources of antioxidants are avocado, berries (blueberries and raspberries), papaya and green tea.
Eating at least two servings of fish per week is another way to keep your cervix healthy. That is because fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids which are considered healthy fats. Salmon, halibut, cod and other fatty fish makes excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. But you can also source it from nuts and seeds.
Vitamin C and E
Just like other parts of your body, your cervix would also greatly benefit from vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, which you can get from whole foods (especially cruciferous vegetables), strengthens your immunity and lowers the chances of inflammation. Meanwhile, you get vitamin E from whole-grain cereals and breads, as well as nuts and seeds. If you have an abnormal Pap result you can consider taking extra vitamins.
If there are foods you should eat to protect your cervix, there are also foods that you should avoid. They include animal products that cause inflammation like red meat and dairy products, refined sugars like processed grains, bleached flour, and pastries, deep-fried foods like fries.
There you go – the best foods for your cervix health. Taking note of these dietary tips can help you keep your cervical cancer risk low.
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