Seven Signs that Your Blood Sugar Level is Too High
Don’t get it wrong. Sugar or glucose is needed by your body. It’s the fuel that gives energy to your cells and tissues. But when something goes wrong, such as when your cells stop absorbing sugar, the resulting high blood sugar levels cause damage nerves, blood vessels, and organs. People who have diabetes have insulin resistance. And without proper treatment, the intolerably high amount of sugar in their bloodstream can lead to complications and other serious health consequences.
Here are some of the top signs of high blood sugar levels:
You pee a lot.
When there’s too much glucose circulating in your bloodstream, your body finds a way to get rid of it. One way is through urination. People with high levels of blood sugar pee plenty of times, and a lot. They also get thirsty easily because they get dehydrated. Some people feel extremely hungry and may experience sudden weight loss as their body aren’t getting the sugar they need as a fuel source.
You feel exhausted all the time.
People with insulin resistance are more likely to suffer from fatigue and exhaustion. That is because their cells aren’t getting enough glucose for energy. At the same time, too much sugar in the blood causes it to thicken. In turn, the heart has to work harder to pump it flows slowly throughout the body, so nutrients take a long time to reach various parts of the body. Without enough nutrients in the body, exhaustion and other fatigue symptoms are very likely.
You experience pain in your lower extremities.
Peripheral neuropathy, characterised by numb toes and tingling fingers, can be a sign that your blood sugar has been too high for so long. When the blood sugar level is high, the nerve fibres in the body are usually the first to suffer. That’s why the feet, legs, arms, and hands are all vulnerable.
You develop poor vision.
Constantly elevated levels of sugar in the blood can harm your eyes. It specifically harms the retina the light-sensitive portion of the back of the eye. Short-term effects of high blood sugar in the eyes include blurry vision while long-term consequence is vision loss.
Your feet become vulnerable.
People with high blood sugar can lose sensitivity in their feet. So, any injury, such as an ingrown toenail, a blister, or cut can get worse. And since wound feeds on sugar, high level of blood sugar often triggers infection.
You get less interested in sex.
Loss of libido is another severe consequence of high blood sugar. Excess sugar in the blood damages the nerves and blood vessels that play a crucial role in making sex enjoyable or even possible. Men may experience erectile dysfunction or retrograde ejaculation (where semen travels to the bladder instead of through the tip of the penis) while women may have vaginal dryness, painful sex, or reduced sensation in the genital area.
You experience digestive problems.
High blood sugar levels may also cause problems in the gut. One can have constipation, frequent bouts of diarrhoea, or both. It can also cause gastroparesis, vomiting, pain, and bloating.
These are just few of the many complications that excessive amount of sugar in your blood can bring. If you suspect that you suffer from this condition, talk to your GP as soon as possible. Sometimes, high blood sugar doesn’t have symptoms at all. So, it is still important to have your blood sugar levels checked from time to time.
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