How to Make Stress Work for You
Stress has long gotten a bad rap. We blame it for a lot of our health problems that affect both our mind and body. Experts even call it a ‘silent killer’ – being a major cause of many chronic diseases, from heart disease to cancer and dementia.
But despite what the headlines say about stress, it may actually be beneficial for you in several ways. Stress is what puts your body into a ‘fight or flight’ mode – making your mind alert and your body stronger. Thus, allowing you to adapt easily in tense situations. Even more surprising, studies suggest that in fact, short-term low to moderate levels of stress can stimulate the genesis of new brain cells. But then again, remember that stress does have to be little, moderate and not excessive. Otherwise, it becomes what it is known to be – silent killer.
Making stress work for you
You can’t do away from stress. So instead of making a stressful situation worse, you can do something to make stress work for you. Here are some strategies you can try:
· Understand that stress is a reality. Work stress is a reality. Stress is something that is unavoidable in relationships, at home, and anywhere you go. Thinking of it as enhancing rather than debilitating can lessen the risk to your health and improve your productivity and performance.
· Focus on what you can control. Are you worried about things that will be happening soon? Do you fuss about situations that you don’t have control over? It’s not about facing stress with a brave mind. It’s about focusing on what you can control. Most of the time, what you can control is your attitude about it.
· Worry less. Do you feel stressed about an upcoming job interview? How about a new business venture you’re jumping into? The thing is a problem is not a problem until it becomes one. In short, stop worrying! Most of us have the tendency to overestimate how bad things will be. Visualise the worst case scenario. If it isn’t a life-and-death one, you need not worry too much.
· Think about a similar situation that you’ve overcome in the past. Are you faced with a really challenging situation now that overwhelms you? Did you have the same feeling before? Can you remember an instance in your life when you had to deal with the same amount of stress or a similar situation in the past? Remember that like you did before, you have the power to overcome the present challenge.
Stress will always be there in our lives. But why stress so much about it? By making it work for you, you can turn stress into simple challenges that make you braver, healthier, and happier.
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