Dietary Tips to Effectively Cope with Migraine
For most migraine sufferers, they know how what pain really is. It’s not only headache. It’s a terrible headache plus nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. All these symptoms can really drain your energy and prevent you from having a nice, productive day. Even worse, for some people, migraine attacks can last for more than a day.
Not only that. Research shows that migraines can actually change brain structure. A study by the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that those who had migraines with aura showed a 68% increased risk of white matter brain lesions, compared with those who didn’t have migraines.
While painkillers and other medications to relieve migraines are available, they may not be the best option as they pose mild to serious health effects. Many people who rely on drugs to soothe migraines report symptoms like sleepiness, fatigue, racing heartbeat and difficulty thinking after.
The good news is that there’s all-natural solution to easing migraines. And mostly, it involves dietary change. Making these simple dietary changes in your lifestyle can greatly help you deal with migraines:
- Avoid sugary and processed foods. Excessive amounts of plain carbohydrates and plain sugar can trigger migraine, as they cause inflammation. Also, when you eat foods high in sugar, your blood sugar levels abruptly increases, and your body then produces extra insulin to break down the sugar. This surge and plummet of blood sugar levels may cause headache.
- Watch your water intake. Dehydration is one of the most common migraine triggers. So make sure you are taking in enough fluids to keep your body hydrated. While eight glasses is the recommended water intake, you may need more if you are physically active. Furthermore, avoid too much coffee, fizzy drinks, and alcohol as these beverages are diuretic and could boost dehydration.
- Lower alcohol intake. Too much alcohol can cause hangover. And that hangover you may experience may later turn into migraine. Some people experience migraine after taking a specific drink. It is important to determine what triggers your headache. For instance, you may do fine with vodka but not bee.
- Eat on time. Skipping meals don’t help with migraines either. Spikes in your blood sugar levels can cause escalating of pain, leading to headache. Eat small, frequent meals. Incorporate protein in your every meal to keep your glucose level steady.
- Go with herbs. Certain herbs and spices are known to alleviate migraine-causing inflammation. Some herbs to add in your diet are ginger, turmeric and garlic.
- Maintain a healthy weight. Being significantly overweight may increase a person’s chances of having recurring migraines, according to a study by Johns Hopkins University. Proper diet and exercise are always the key to a healthy weight.
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