Common Causes of Poor Blood Circulation You Didn’t Know

Lisa Franchi December 19, 2016

Many people don’t realise the importance of the body’s circulatory system. Many are unaware that poor blood circulation can lead to worse health problems, from chronic fatigue syndrome to high blood pressure and stroke. And because it doesn’t have symptoms at first, some people often find out that they have circulatory health problems too late. 

Indeed, prevention is better than cure. As early as now, you want to ensure that your circulatory system functions properly. It is essential that your blood flows freely throughout your system, so every part of your body gets enough oxygen and absorbs nutrients from the food you eat. In making sure that your circulatory system remains in good condition, you want to know what could be making it worse. 

Here are the most common causes of blood circulation that you must know: 

Too much sitting 

Inactivity is one major culprit behind poor blood circulation. Prolonged sitting has become a subject of many scientific studies for the past years.  Researchers link it with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and colon cancer. All these major illnesses start with poor blood flow. Latest findings suggest that sitting for more than 8 hours a day can actually shorten our lifespan. Always remember that the less you move, the more chances of blockage in your veins, preventing the flow of blood. This then triggers inflammation and weakens your body organs. Opt to have more active than sedentary moments every day. If you work in an office, make it a habit to have short walking breaks. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Ride a bike in your way to work. If possible, consider changing your regular desk to a standing desk.  

Binge drinking 

Yes, too much alcohol is bad for your circulatory system too. While it’s true that drinking wine can actually boost your heart health, going overboard may actually do harm than good. Too much alcohol harms the heart, which is the primary organ responsible for pumping blood all over your body. If the heart does not pump blood well, the rest of your body organs are affected. If you have clogged blood vessels too, your heart has to work even harder. Binge drinking can also clog your arteries which increases your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Just what the ads say, we have to drink in moderation.  

Too much salt

Too much salt in your diet can also have a huge impact on your circulatory system. High sodium intake is linked to hypertension or abnormal increase in blood pressure. Research has also linked high salt intake to diabetes and kidney disease. Reducing your consumption of processed foods is a great way to pull down your salt intake. Opt for whole foods and choose to prepare your meals by yourself. This way, you can control the amount of salt you put in it.

So there you go - the three most common causes of poor blood flow. If you feel guilty of any of these things, you better start taking actions… before it’s too late.

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