7 Habits that Make You Look Older

Rebecca Lewis October 12, 2016

Got wrinkles and blemishes? How about pimples? Is your hair looking duller than ever? How about your skin? Has it gone dry and rough? Beauty care is one of the largest industries in the market today. Millions of people spend thousands on beauty products, from moisturisers to creams, lotions, and so much more. Even cosmetic surgery has boomed. In the UK, it is estimated that some 50,000 people go through cosmetic procedures to get rid of wrinkles and dry skin. 

But all your beauty and skincare efforts could be turning into waste if you are guilty of any of these habits: 

You drink too much alcohol. 

Did you know that just two glasses of wine everyday can change your face by years? The reason is that alcohol dehydrates your skin, leaving it dry and deepening your wrinkles. Also, studies show that drinkers are often deficient in vitamin A - a nutrient needed in the production of collagen. 

You don’t get enough sleep. 

Sleep plays a major role in your skin health. A good night of sleep is a perfect antidote of stress which is the culprit to many skin problems, from those ugly pimples to dark circles around the eyes, and so much more. 

You eat too much sugar. 

Too much sugar in your diet is also a major cause for many skin problems. When sugar molecules attach to collagen fibres, it causes the latter to lose their strength and flexibility. This makes the skin less elastic and more vulnerable to sun damage. 

You get too much sun exposure. 

UV rays coming from too much sun exposure is one of the major causes of skin ageing. Do apply sunscreen with SPF 30 whenever you have to be outdoors. And also, don’t forget to wear your sunglasses, and put on your hat or use an umbrella.  

You put on too much makeup. 

And you don’t also rinse it off properly before going to bed. Using multiple products at the same time increases the likelihood of irritation, which can get worse. It is important to really look for products that are right for your skin type. Just because one product is the most popular or rated best in the market doesn’t mean it is the best brand for you as well. 

You’re not eating enough greens. 

Vegetables, fruits and whole grains not only nourish your body from within. Their benefits transcend even to your skin. Make sure you are getting your five-a-day servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. Add fish in your diet too. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your skin health.

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