7 Amazing Health Benefits of Celery
Celery is a low-calorie vegetable that is often added in diet drinks and smoothies. But more than helping you shed some pounds, this superfood offers other amazing health benefits!
It’s good for lowering blood pressure.
Got high blood pressure? You may want to add celery in your regular diet. High blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to serious medical problems, including heart disease and stroke. That is why doctors always recommend following a balanced diet that is rich in vegetables, including celery. This superfood contains a compound called phthalide which relaxes muscles around the arteries and facilitating blood circulation. This helps stabilise heart rate and lower blood pressure.
It promotes eye health.
You might think that celery is just but water. You’re wrong. Celery is actually a haven of essential nutrients and vitamins that are essential in keeping your eyes healthy. One big stalk of celery has 10% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin E. It also has flavonoids and polyphenol phytonutrients that helps moisturize our eyes.
It’s good for your digestion.
Consuming celery is a great way to boost your digestive health as well. The high water content of celery helps facilitate digestion and excretion. Furthermore, it has a compound called NBP which improves circulation within the intestines, allowing your body to detox properly. When you have a healthy digestive system, your body can easily absorb the nutrients from the food you eat.
It reduces inflammation.
Inflammation is a common cause for many health problems, including serious diseases like diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Celery is a known anti-inflammatory food which has long been consumed to fight inflammatory illnesses. Many people use it to treat asthma, lung infection, acne, joint pains, and more.
It lowers bad cholesterol.
Another hallmark of a healthy cardiovascular system is low bad cholesterol levels. Eating celery regularly is a natural and effective way to pull down your bad cholesterol level. This is because of the compound called 3-n-butylphthal that is present in this vegetable.
It promotes fertility in men.
Celery consumption may be particularly helpful for men when it comes to reproductive health. It is associated with increase in sperm count, which is necessary for fertility. What’s more, the pheromones present in celery - androstenone and androstenol - are known to boost arousal levels.
It has anti-cancer properties.
A study by the University of Illinois found that celery is rich in a natural compound called luteolin which helps slow down the growth of cancer cells in pancreas. Another research, published in 2011 in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, suggests that regular intake of celery may lower the risk of breast cancer. Like other vegetables, celery is rich in antioxidants that drive away the cancer-causing free radicals in your body.
What’s your favourite way to eat celery? Feel free to post a comment below.
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