5 Ways Meditation Makes You a Better Person
Meditation has a lot of health benefits. It can have a powerful impact on your attitude and behaviour too. Practice meditation regularly and become a much better person through the following:
A more stable, positive mood.
If you tend to have mood swings, you know how it actually affects your behaviour and relationship with other people, like your friends, family, and colleagues at work. Yes you will still experience ‘bad mood’. But it’s not going to be as frequent as it was before. Meditation works well in levelling your mood and increasing positive feelings.
Calmness and serenity.
Are you always stressed out? Many working professionals report that they do. Stress doesn’t only make you physically weak. It also changes your personality. It makes you grumpy, anxious, and irritable. It makes you a pessimist too. Practising meditation makes you feel relaxed. It eases anxiety and negative feelings, which lead to lower stress levels. When you are more relaxed, you can easily get along with your peers, work efficiently, think creatively, and be the best you can be.
A quieter inner critic.
Many people struggle with their ‘inner voice’ which is always on the critical side - screaming their flaws and failures, and ignoring their positive qualities. If you are one of them, you know how difficult it is to be a better person when you can’t control your inner critical voice. Meditation is a solemn practice that helps you make peace with your thoughts. As you continue with your practice, you train your mind to focus on the present moment instead of being consumed by past and future worries.
Better social skills.
Meditation can improve your social skills by teaching you how to listen to other people, become more relaxed, and calm. In one study, not only was meditation found to promote social skills, it also improved academic performance and lessened anxiety among students with learning disabilities.
One of the greatest gifts of meditation is optimism and gratitude. By learning how to be in the present, you learn to appreciate almost everything around you, even the simplest things. You get to focus on the good side, rather than the bad. You learn to thank more than whine. You develop positivity that is contagious.
There are more benefits of meditation one can talk about. But you shouldn’t stop at just learning about them. You need to experience them too! So start with your meditation practice. It’s going to be worthwhile.
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