5 Easy yet Effective Self-Care Tips for the Holidays
It’s the season to be jolly. But it could also be a time to be totally stressed. The events here and there, lots of preparations, gift-giving, and finances getting out of whacked - all these can be overwhelming.
So here are some great tips to keep your emotional, mental and physical health on check as you deal with the Holiday stress this year:
Prioritise your health. No matter how tough your schedule is this coming Holidays, make sure you are not taking your health aside. It’s natural to overindulge this time of the year and you deserve it. But try to incorporate something healthy in your every meal. So before you enjoy a scrumptious dessert, get yourself a serving of vegetable salad first. Nourish your digestive system after a full Holiday meal by treating yourself with a cup of green tea. And don’t forget to drink water. Lots of water. This will ensure that your metabolism is in good condition.
Be kind to yourself. Whenever you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and tired, pause. Take a break. Have a power nap. Take a relaxing warm bath, go to the spa for a stress-busting massage therapy, spare several minutes meditating, or just being still and not doing anything. Have a little down time. You absolutely need it during the busiest time of the year.
It’s okay to say no. You don’t have to stretch yourself just to meet everyone’s expectations. If you think you can’t join your colleagues in a party, let them know. And tell them why. Surely, they would understand. Plan your schedule well. Only say ‘yes’ to the things you want to do. List down the things that are more urgent and important to you. If you can’t visit a friend or relative who means so much to you, send them a gift or letter instead.
Enjoy the moment. Holidays are best spent when you are able to fully enjoy every experience. If you bombard yourself with a lot of worries and thoughts of the past or future, you will never enjoy your holiday. It will just pass by swift, leaving you feeling not just exhausted but emotionally down too. So practice mindfulness. Whenever you realise that your mind is wandering away, take a deep breath and make a conscious effort to go back to the present moment. It gets easier the more you practice.
Smile. Even if you don’t feel like smiling. Research shows that the simple act of smiling alone (even if you don’t mean it) can stimulate the release of endorphins that reduce stress and boost your mood. Set an intention. Shift your focus from negative to positive thoughts.
All is well this Holiday season. You need not overwork or overwhelm yourself. After all, it’s the time to enjoy, eat, and have fun.
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