Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Natural Fertility Therapy in Barnstaple
I deliver an integrated blend of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Five Element Acupuncture, treating each individual as one whole person, enabling them to live life well. Qualified Tui Na (Chinese massage) therapist, which is often integrated w...
Counselling, Womens Health, Mens Health in Launceston, Cornwall
Coaching for Relationship, Career, Family, Money​, Balance, Communication​, Health & Body - People have many things wrong in their lives, and they seek solutio...
Counselling, EFT (MTT) Tapping, Womens Health in Exeter
Counselling and Psychotherapy I am an experienced counsellor, psychotherapist and supervisor. I work with individuals, couples, families, groups and organisations. I work with people both short term and long term. People seek psychotherapy an...